Thursday, 15 October 2009

Happy Birthday Miss! ♥


Monday, 12 October 2009

San Pedro

On thusrday 10 of september we went to San Pedro. We met in the school at 7 o clock in the morning.When we were travelling, our guide, Natalí, give us information about the places we were going to visit. The first place was "La Campiña" of Mónica & César. There, the guide was called: Edith. Then, we went to a park which there we did a questionnaire to the people wo was there. We went to an other park near the Paraná river for lunch. After that, we visited the paleontologhic museum. When we finished, we come back. In my opinion, this day was an unusual funny day. I enjoy it.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

On Tuesday we chated with some students from La Plata.

I chat with Sofía & Facundo

Sofía, like the same type of music as me. She is 16 years old. And she was afraid to speak with the microphone like me, but then, we can do it perfectly.
Facundo is 16 too. He likes football, but he plays rugby. His favourite colour is green, like mine. And on Tuesday he have some problems with his messenger, so we chat on gmail.

This chat-friends were very funny, and I really enjoy chating with them!

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


My beautiful robot is called Tats. She was in the hair-dresser, but she has some problems with her hair. She loves listening to music. Her favourite colour is green.
Tats is looking for a boyfriend, take care !!!


My own comix :)

I'm really exciting! I do it with Marina's help, but I can do it!!!!!
Enjoy it...


Thursday, 2 July 2009

I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

Listen and enjoy it !

I have chosen it, because, I really love this song.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

What makes me unique...

My name is Tatiana. I’m from Bs.As., Argentina. I’m 14 years old. I am in the second year of secondary school, which is called “Santa Rosa”.
We are tour of us in my family: My mother Valeria, my father Alejandro and my brother Agustín.

I don’t like so much reading books but I really love listening to music.